At Phoenix Martial Arts, we teach your child to DO HARD THINGS!! We don’t remove obstacles, because GUESS WHAT? No one is going to remove them in their adult lives.
We teach our Phoenix Fam how to OVERCOME OBSTACLES by doing the HARD WORK!
Hi! I’m Nick C., owner and operator of Phoenix Martial Arts in Murfreesboro.
Serving this community for the last 10 years has taught me something. I’ve learned from helping hundreds (more than likely thousands) of families that Kids and Adults can conquer some pretty big challenges. But to be an overcomer, there’s no easy path. The PATH is facing challenges, Failing and Falling, and then getting back up.
Our Phoenix Martial Arts students learn to LOSE with GRACE and WIN with HUMILITY.
Want to be part of a TRIBE that shares the TOUGH WINS and HARD LOSSES together? Send us a DM, we’d love to connect!